Users, more details about the way things are done on this BBS: PROTOCOLS BiModem is available to Level 10+ users. Basically, just unpack it and read the instructions on installing it into your communications program and those for "Transfer Path Maintenance". Don't worry about all the configuration options. If you do a lot of uploading, this is what you want to use. If you wish to chat, this is your best option--as a message will appear for the length of the transfer. Note that in BiModem, even though you may only be uploading, the entire session counts as a download session. If you only upload--or the time you spend uploading is greater than the time you spend downloading--then you could actually lose minute-credits. Although you do get more minute-credits for the upload with BiModem (than with Zmodem). With any upload, it is your responsibility to make sure there is enough space on the drive. The system won't stop you from sending a too-large file, but the effects will prevent people from leaving messages and probably crash the system. Then I'll come along, look at the caller log, and know who did it. This system has "auto-detect" of Zmodem uploads or BiModem. To initiate this, simply "do it" from any menu, or when reading messages. When transferring using DSZ, you can stop the transfer fastest with N (rather than ^X's). TIME LIMITS Both are detailed in the BBS Information files. But what it AND RATIOS doesn't say is that the whole system is flexible. Most of the flexibility lies with the Exchange system. In BiModem the system will do any exchanges for you, including borrowing against future uploads. For Zmodem exchanges must be done from the Personal Menu and cannot be used to borrow against the future. Should you exceed your time limits, the AI automatically will do an exchange to get you back into balance. Should it be unable to do exchanges, it will gradually reduce your daily download minutes until you can't download at all. If you've choosen to Link with someone else: it has no advantages for time, only provides yet more flexiblity when it comes to downloading. But a user using two names Linked together will find no advantage over using just one name. Zmodem uploads get 1/2 the estimated send time at 2400 baud (based on size) for minute-credits. BiModem uploads get 3/4 the estimated send time--this is due to the fact that many will just send an upload that either lasts longer or without the download portion. After all, all time spent in BiModem is counted as downloads, since the optimal use of time is to have exactly matching UL and DL sizes, and since the average user downloads far more than they upload, the user is expected to try to match his uploads with his downloads (if using BiModem) rather than waste time doing one or the either alone. HOURLY "GRAPH" Each "time box" on the hourly graph marks one hour. The colors represent how busy that hour was. With the lighter the color marking increasing levels of activity. Bright Blue is the brightest representation. LINKED Linked Accounts are linkages between two or more users. The ACCOUNTS only time this linkage comes into play is during downloading, then all linkage members' upload and download stats are used rather than just the individual users'. Time and ratio stats do not play a role--the users' are always used. This is to provide a method for such situations as: one friend has lots to upload while another doesn't, one friend knows BiModem and they just let that one do the uploading, for keeping up a larger "can download bytes" buffer for when "must have now" files appear. UPLOADING Do not upload the following: Files you find in the off-line lists. You are responsible for making sure the file doesn't exist--no matter what the filename.ext is. "Grouped together" files. Example: putting a bunch of .GIF's or .MOD's together in one archive and uploading it. Demo's. Any of the above, and you will get DOUBLE off for the upload. Also, if you're upload is made up of many files that don't fit in the available drive space, you must tell me beforehand--so we can schedule the upload. Otherwise, ANY UPLOADS NOT COMPLETLY COMPLETED IN TWO DAYS WILL BE DELETED AND THE UPLOADER GIVEN THE PENALTY. FILE ATTACHES The sysop reserves the right to put the files into the uploads area. Don't use this for trivial, or large, files. If the upload is interrupted, you may select 'Give Attached Files' when reading the message to continue the upload, or to add more files. You may simply begin uploading at the entering messages command line. Your message will first be saved, then auto- detected uploading will be done. The files are deleted when the message is deleted. MATURITY AND Maturity is a way of thinking: knowing about the rest of the EXPERIENCE world, being aware of what you say, write, or do (being responsible), directed (not living day to day wondering what to do next), and growth oriented (interested in new things). Experience is mainly computer, electronic, and educational experience, or other related experience with computers. Can you program in many languages? Can you install hardware onto your computer system? Do you know where and how to look for information? Do you know how BBS's work? Are you both up on the latest software, and know the history of previous software of that type? WORD Using something like: " }6text " will highlight that word. COLORIZATION This works in both messages and file descriptions. But note that it only works on a single word and there must be a space in front of the "}" character. I'm going to not let this occur in "New Stuff", that way those wondering what's going on will see how it was done. Entering something like: " ]5text...text[ " will highlight that block of text. Just like with "}", there must be a space in front of the inital "]". The "[" character must have a space after it, and no space before it. You may highlight words within this block with "}" as well. Note that I consider it childish to highlight whole messages. This feature should only be used for specific text you wish to emphasize. VOTING BOOTH Selecting "other" leads to "please elaborate". What happens is your answer is put into a file and I just look at to see if maybe the question needs another option. ON-LINE LISTS A "DeathCount" has been added to the On-line lists' file descriptions. This is a count, at the end of the description (eg. |6), that tells how many more days the file will remain on-line. When it gets down to 0, it will appear as: |?, which means I could take it down at any moment! Files with a "|+" or "|-" refer to the Life & Death value of that file. Usually going from "|+" numbers, to "|-", and finally to a DeathCount. UNDOCUMENTED The space bar will pause a message being read. COMMANDS You can just enter a message number at the "next/previous" line when reading messages to jump to that message. [Tab] can also be used to pause output where [Space] is used. It pauses message text. It will also act as a [N]ext command when at the reading messages command line. A ":" at the main menu will show the version of this BBS software. Hitting "-" while listing files, users, or messages will re- start the listing in reverse (A-Z or Z-A). Hitting "." while listing files, or at the main menu, will send you to the Point and Shoot File Selection and Information System. "!" can be used when listing the on-line files to find out additional information. When entering mail, "/s" at the start of a line will save the message and exit, "//G" anywhere will toggle on/off active grammar checking. When at a voting question, you can just type the number of another voting question to jump to that question. When entering a name, typeing "*" or "?" will get a list of all the users with the same letters you typed so far. Foreign/ When entering a description or a message, the following keys, International when typed, will produce the result. Characters Keys Resulting Entered Character ------- --------- a"a e"e i"i o"o u"u y"y A"A O"O U"U a`a e`e i`i o`o u`u a'a e'e i'i o'o u'u E'E a^a e^e i^i o^o u^u n~n N~N a.a A.A c,c C,C ?^? !^! With the exception of the last few commands, you type: 1. character you want 2. character above the character you want 3. character you want The BBS will then delete these three characters and replace them with the foreign character. THE JDR_BBS The 'Pseudo AI' is the intelligence and personality of the 'PSEUDO AI' BBS itself. It will fill in and complete file names and user names. It will send new users a "hello" message, send Targeted Upload destinee's a "get it now" message, and all sorts of automatic tasks for the sysop. It's a little baby now, but will grow in time. SEARCHING When searching the off-line list, the system filters out all non-alphabetic characters and won't do the search with any less than 3 characters. The reason for this is to discourage people using filenames. Generally, if what you want to search for causes trouble (eg. is only two letters), then it may be better to not upload it--or check with me first. I prefer that users know what they are uploading. For .GIF's, you can also search by subject (if it's a pic of someone) or by "author" (usually the BBS whose name is in the .GIF).